Giving Tuesday

November 28, 2023

Help Replace Our Broken and Aging Livestream Equipment

Although Giving Tuesday 2023 has passed, we are still raising funds for this project. Feel free to give using the link below. Thank you for your generosity and partnership!

What Is Giving Tuesday?
What Is Giving Tuesday?

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, encouraging people to counteract the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday with charitable acts of giving.

This year, we are asking you to participate in Giving Tuesday by contributing to our year-end fundraising campaign to replace and improve our aging livestream equipment.


The Need
The Need

The majority of our broadcast infrastructure was purchased ten years ago when we launched Real Life’s Moscow campus at Eastside Marketplace. Recently, several key components have reached the end of their usable life or failed entirely.

This system was originally designed to be portable and travel between our Moscow and Pullman campuses. Since Real Life Pullman became an independent church in 2019, this portability is no longer needed, and many of the components need to be reconfigured in a more user-friendly permanent install that will allow better cooling and airflow for the equipment and extend its life.

We are consulting with an A/V integration firm to make strategic purchases in 2024 that will facilitate the next season of reaching the world for Jesus, one person at a time through this valuable medium.

Why livestream?
Why livestream?

Hundreds of people are able to participate in Real Life’s services every week thanks to our robust online presence. Livestreaming our services helps newcomers discover who we are, and allows members who are sick, traveling, or otherwise unable to attend in person to engage in church services from anywhere.

When the 2020 pandemic occurred, our broadcast infrastructure allowed us to roll with the punches and produce a variety of weekly virtual events, and continue to embrace a hybrid in-person/online model as we resumed physical gatherings.

Every month, our livestreams receive hundreds of unique viewers across all platforms, and Real Life’s YouTube channel has grown to almost 1,000 subscribers in the last four years.

How You Can Help

Ten years ago, a generous group of people contributed to the vision for building a modern, well-equipped broadcast campus. Their generosity and foresight has allowed us to grow our online presence to where it is today, and weather the challenges of 2020 and beyond. Now, we’re asking you to be part of the next ten years.

Quality gear isn’t cheap, especially when purchasing for the long-term. Making the necessary purchases and infrastructure upgrades for this project will cost nearly $300,000 to do properly, but doing so will help ensure that many more people hear the gospel, follow Jesus, and find community for years to come.